Jan. 30 - Alexis loves to color; she says she is going to be an artist when she grows up, not sure how that will turn out, but I do hope she will always find something that she wants to do and will be happy with it.

Jan. 29 - For as long as I can remember, Bryce has claimed my rocker. He used to sleep like this when he was a toddler. He could lay there and sleep all day long. Even now, I have even caught him dozing off. Amazing how things change and yet stay the same.

Jan. 28 - My ipod - I love having it even thought I don't use it all the time. Just to be able to plug in and escape all the outside sounds of reality, if even for just a few minutes, is a wonderful thing. The songs on there range from Christian to Alternative and a little bit in between.

Jan. 27 - I walked today (first time in a long long time) so I thought it was appropriate that I post a picture of my tennis shoes. I need a new pair, but I just haven't worked up the courage to go shopping for them; I don't want to think about how much money I am going to end up spending.

Great job at keeping up, Penny!! I love that one in particular of Bryce in your rocker....too cute!! Can you believe that we're into our second month now? WTG